Ratiuni pentru dezvoltarea resursei umane care provine din comunitatile de romi


  • Claudia Bercus Ph.D. candidate, National University of Political and Administrative Studies (NUPAS), Bucharest


The problems that the Roma are confronting are interdependent and require an integrated approach in the tong term. The most important of these problems affect foremost children (problems with schooling) and in the medium term young people (entry into the labor market). The lack of qualifications reads to their turning to "inferior" activities in terms of pay or social prestige. In this context, the social economy contributes to the development of the dialogue on combating poverty among Roma communities and sustainsthe development of the communities. It does so by involving all actors from the field (civil society, the Roma communities, govemmentat institutions) and by identifying interventions connected to social and economic inclusion of Roma communities. The
barriers to maintaining such initiatives in the Romanian context are determined mainly by the tack of sustainable financial support, low entrepreneurial capacity, and weakly connected to the real needs of the community.


