O cultura nerepresiva? Dincolo de societatea abundentei


  • Adelin Dumitru National University of Political Studies and Public Administration


The purpose of this paper is to ascertain whether the concept of a non-repressive culture is viable, and whether this form of liberation from the affluent society has indeed left the field of Utopia and has turned into an alternative to the industrial advanced society, as it is firmly believed by Marcuse. I believe that, in spite of his masterful argumentation in favour of this qualitative leap into an empire of freedom, there are several fallacies pertaining to the ontology of the individual, since there are certain characteristics which eschew socio-historical (weak) determinism and shape human life. Throughout this paper, I will link the Althusserian concept of Ideological State Apparatuses to the so-called mechanisms of escape postulated by Erich Fromm, to prove that even the new potential agents of revolution (students, "wretched of the earth", hippies, beatniks, et. al. ) are influenced to such a degree by specific human drives, that the complacency offered by the affluent society will not be sacrificed for an Aesthetic Form of a free society.


