Exploatarea bunurilor limitate in termenii dreptatii intergenerationale. Precautie sau libera utilizare? Analiza normativa a Legii Protectiei Mediului si a Codului Silvic
The aim of this study is to analyse the way in which compensations and principles of intergenerational justice function toward the environment issues. I will analyse the capacities of environment policies to generate tools for protecting and preserving the limited goods such that to fulfil both the prerogatives of intergenerational principles and to secure goods demanding of the next generations(intergenerational criterion). The main assumption is that the next generatons will have a claim for environment resources to maintain their lives and for economic, social, technological development, at least in the same measure as the present generations. So through normative theories I will argue that next generations cannot determine the amount of inherited resources and the responsability lies on actual generations, to assume their successors quality and level of welfare, therefore is a need to institute some compensations and policies of fairness to restrict the abusive exploitation, to imply pecuniary and moral costs for today?s citizens and to guarantee a minimal level of the next generations welfare by maintaining a good environment quality.