O critica din perspectiva rationalitatii maximale si a rationalitatii limitate asupra teoriei zizekiene de perceptie a ideologiei si asupra teoriei freudiene de interpretare a viselor


  • David Diaconu National University of Political Studies and Public Administration


In this essay i will present the theory of dreams interpretation by Sigmund Freud and the Slavoj Zizek?s theory of the perception of the ideology. Both of them have the same pattern of analysis. In other words, Freudian theory inspired Zizekian theory.
My hypothesis is that neither S. Freud nor S. Zizek in their theories respect the classic economics theory, but they keep to the satisficing principle, the main characteristic of H. Simon's bounded rationality. The principles of the classic economics theory are not respected by their theories because they do not regard the utility maximization principle.
The value of this essay is represented by the possible answer that this article should give to that kind of persons that think about Zizek?s and Freud?s theories are irrational. My answer is that both of them are partial-irrational, but are more rational than irrational.


